The Law Society is to prepare an action plan for equality within the legal profession after three surveys revealed much more needs to be done to break down barriers.
The surveys, undertaken over the past 12 months, reveal issues faced by women, black and ethnic minority (BME) and lesbian, bisexual and gay (LBG) solicitors.
Highlighted in the surveys was a clear need for visible role models, mentors and coaches at senior levels within firms to foster confidence in those pursuing demanding careers and ensuring their ability to successfully navigating obstacles. They also reported that BME solicitors should be better informed of “hidden” criteria involved before qualifying as a lawyer.
Law Society President Linda Lee said: "Research is vital to our understanding of what is happening across the profession and to the development of support and advice to individual solicitors and their employers. These detailed findings will help us all move the diversity agenda forward."
The Law Society’s Equality and Diversity Committee will meet in January to prepare an action plan based on recommendations following discussions, which have already begun, within its Firms Diversity Forum.